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This class gives a higher api to manipulate strings.


This named constructor will create a new object for the given string.

use Innmind\Immutable\Str;

$str = Str::of('whatever');
$str instanceof Str; // true

You can also specify the encoding to use for manupilating the string.

$str = Str::of('👋', Str\Encoding::utf8);
$str->length(); // 1
Str::of('👋')->length(); // 4

Str\Encoding::utf8 is the default value when not specified


This will return the encapsulated string.

Str::of('whataver')->toString(); // 'whatever'


This will return the encoding used to manipulate the string.

Str::of('', 'UTF-8')->encoding() === Str\Encoding::utf8; // true


Use this method to change the encoding used to manipulate the string.



Use this method to split a string into a Sequence of smaller strings.



This will create a Sequence of strings of the given size.



Returns the position of the searched string in the original string.

Str::of('foobar')->position('ob'); // Maybe::just(2)
Str::of('foobar')->position('unknown'); // Maybe::nothing()


Replace the searched string by its replacement.

Str::of('foobar')->replace('ob', 'bo')->equals(Str::of('foboar')); // true


Return the string in upper case.



Return the string in lower case.



Returns the length of the string depending on the used encoding.

Str::of('👋', Str\Encoding::utf8)->length(); // 1
Str::of('👋')->length(); // 4


Check if the string is an empty string.

Str::of('')->empty(); // true
Str::of('', Str\Encoding::utf8)->empty(); // true
Str::of('null')->empty(); // false
Str::of('0')->empty(); // false
Str::of('false')->empty(); // false


Reverse the order of the characters.



Add the given string to the right of the string in order of the new string to be at least of the given size.

Str::of('Alien')->rightPad(10)->equals(Str::of('Alien     '));
Str::of('Alien')->rightPad(10, '_')->equals(Str::of('Alien_____'));
Str::of('Alien')->rightPad(3, '_')->equals(Str::of('Alien'));


Add the given string to the left of the string in order of the new string to be at least of the given size.

Str::of('Alien')->leftPad(10)->equals(Str::of('     Alien'));
Str::of('Alien')->leftPad(10, '_')->equals(Str::of('_____Alien'));
Str::of('Alien')->leftPad(3, '_')->equals(Str::of('Alien'));


Add the given string to both sides of the string in order of the new string to be at least of the given size.

Str::of('Alien')->uniPad(10,)->equals(Str::of('  Alien   '));
Str::of('Alien')->uniPad(10, '_')->equals(Str::of('__Alien___'));


Repeat the original string the number of given times.



Same behaviour as the native stripslashes function.


Same behaviour as the native stripcslashes function.


Counts the number in the string.

Str::of('foo bar')->wordCount(); // 2


The list of words with their position.

Str::of('foo bar')->words()->equals(
        [0, Str::of('foo')],
        [4, Str::of('bar')],


Split the string using a regular expression.

Str::of('hypertext language, programming')->pregSplit('/[\s,]+/')->equals(


Check if the string match the given regular expression.

Str::of('abcdef')->matches('/^a/'); // true
Str::of('abcdef')->matches('/^b/'); // false


Return a map of the elements matching the regular expression.

            [0, Str::of('')],
            [1, Str::of('')],
            ['host', Str::of('')],


Replace part of the string by using a regular expression.

Str::of('April 15, 2003')
    ->pregReplace('/(\w+) (\d+), (\d+)/i', '${1}1,$3')


Return part of the string.

Str::of('foobar')->substring(3)->equals(Str::of('bar')); // true
Str::of('foobar')->substring(3, 1)->equals(Str::of('b')); // true


Return a new string with only the n first characters.

Str::of('foobar')->take(3)->equals(Str::of('foo')); // true


Return a new string with only the n last characters.

Str::of('foobar')->takeEnd(3)->equals(Str::of('bar')); // true


Return a new string without the n first characters.

Str::of('foobar')->drop(3)->equals(Str::of('bar')); // true


Return a new string without the n last characters.

Str::of('foobar')->dropEnd(3)->equals(Str::of('foo')); // true


Return a formatted string.

Str::of('%s %s')
    ->sprintf('hello', 'world')
    ->equals(Str::of('hello world')); // true


Return the string with the first letter as uppercase.



Return a CamelCase representation of the string.

Str::of('foo bar_baz')->camelize()->equals(Str::of('fooBarBaz'));


Append a string at the end of the current one.

Str::of('foo')->append('bar')->equals(Str::of('foobar')); // true


Prepend a string at the beginning of the current one.

Str::of('foo')->prepend('bar')->equals(Str::of('barfoo')); // true


Check if the 2 strings are equal.

Str::of('foo')->equals(Str::of('foo')); // true
Str::of('foo')->equals(Str::of('foo', Str\Encoding::utf8)); // true
Str::of('foo')->equals(Str::of('bar')); // false


Remove whitespace characters from both ends of the string.

Str::of('  foo ')->trim()->equals(Str::of('foo')); // true


Check if the string contains another string.

Str::of('foobar')->contains('ob'); // true
Str::of('foobar')->contains('baz'); // false


Check if the current string starts with the given string.

Str::of('foobar')->startsWith('foo'); // true
Str::of('foobar')->startsWith('bar'); // false


Check if the current string ends with the given string.

Str::of('foobar')->endsWith('bar'); // true
Str::of('foobar')->endsWith('foo'); // false


This method will create a new Str object with all the values from the set/sequence separated by the vlue of the original string.

    ->join(Sequence::of('foo', 'bar', 'baz'))
    ->equals(Str::of('foo|bar|baz')); // true


This function will create a new Str object with the value modified by the given function.

$str = Str::of('foo|bar|baz')->map(
    fn(string $value, string $encoding): string => \implode(
        \explode('|', $string),
$str->equals(Str::of('foo,bar,baz')); // true


This is similar to ->map() but instead of the function returning a value it must return a new Str object.

$str = Str::of('foo|bar|baz')->flatMap(
    fn(string $value, string $encoding): Str => Str::of(',')->join(
        Sequence::of(...\explode('|', $string)),
$str->equals(Str::of('foo,bar,baz')); // true


The is a shortcut method, the 2 examples below do the same thing.

    static fn($str) => $str->startsWith('foo'),
); // Maybe<Str>

// is the same as

    static fn($str) => $str->startsWith('foo'),
); // Maybe<Str>