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Even though PHP started as a way to build dynamic websites it is more and more used to build CLI tools. A recurrent job is to start new processes (either PHP commands or any other cli tool), it can be done in a number of ways from the simple exec() function or the widespread symfony/process library. Like time they prevent your code from being unit tested as they directly call the operating system.

This library makes the distinction from defining the user intent and the execution so it provides a higher level, more testable, API.

Executing a process on the system

use Innmind\Server\Control\Server\{

$webserver = $os->control()->processes()->execute(
        ->withShortOption('S', 'localhost:8080'),
// do some stuff
$os->control()->processes()->kill($webserver->pid(), Signal::kill);

Here we start the PHP builtin webserver and perform some imaginary action before killing it, but you could also wait the process to finish (see below) instead of killing it (in the case of the webserver it never finishes unless with a crash).

use Innmind\Server\Control\Server\Command;

$webserver = $os->control()->processes()->execute(
        ->withShortOption('S', 'localhost:8080'),

Or you could start the process as an independent one (meaning you can't control it anymore) by changing Command::foreground() to Command::background().

use Innmind\Server\Control\Server\Command;

        ->withShortOption('S', 'localhost:8080'),

Executing processes on a remote machine

It uses the same abstraction as running processes on the local machine so you can easily reuse code.

use Innmind\Server\Control\Server;
use Innmind\Url\Url;

$installMariadb = function(Server $server): void {
    // todo run the commands to install mariadb

Listing all the processes running on the machine

use Innmind\Server\Status\Server\Process;
use Innmind\TimeContinuum\Earth\Format\ISO8601;

$os->status()->processes()->all()->foreach(function(Process $process): void {
        "Process %s started by %s at %s\n",
            static fn($date) => $date->format(new ISO8601),
            static fn() => 'unknown start date',

Starting a new process if not already started

This is useful, though not completely safe (race condition), to start a command that shouldn't be run in parallel.

use Innmind\Server\Control\Server\Command;
use Innmind\Immutable\RegExp;

$backupRunning = $os
        fn($process): bool => $process

if (!$backupRunning) {

Stopping or rebooting a machine

use Innmind\Url\Url;
