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Socket communication

This topic is similar to the Inter Process Communication but address talking to a socket through a specific network port (either locally or remotely).

As you'll see below working with sockets (.sock or a port) is always the same workflow: - open a socket (client or server) - watch for them to be ready to read - perform an action on the socket when ready

Opening a port

The use case is not very common as you need to define a protocol and implement security but can still have some use for a secure network.

use Innmind\Url\Authority\Port;
use Innmind\Socket\Internet\Transport;
use Innmind\IP\IPv4;
use Innmind\TimeContinuum\Earth\ElapsedPeriod;

$server = $os
    ->open(Transport::tcp(), IPv4::localhost(), Port::of(8080))
        static fn($server) => $server,
        static fn() => throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to start the server'),

while (true) {
            static fn($client) => /* talk to the client */,
            static fn() => null, // no client available yet

This is similar to the IPC example but instead of using a socket file the server is exposed at tcp:// and can be accessed from outside the server.

Opening a connection to an opened port

This example will open a connection to the server defined above but can be changed to talk to an HTTP server or an AMQP Server.

use Innmind\Url\Url;
use Innmind\IO\Readable\Frame;
use Innmind\Socket\Internet\Transport;

$client = $os
    ->socket(Transport::tcp(), Url::of('tcp://')->authority())
        static fn($client) => $client,
        static fn() => throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to connect to the client'),

$receivedData = $client
        static fn() => true,
        static fn() => false,

if ($receivedData) {
    echo 'Server has responded'.